The Shema is the central statement of belief of Judaism. The first line is from Devarim (Deuteronomy). The rabbis and Jewish sages attribute the second line to various sources. Due to differences between English and Hebrew grammar, each line can be translated several different ways.
Shema, Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad.
Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d. The L-rd is One. -- or -- Listen, Israel! The L-rd is our G-d. The L-rd alone.
The word shema does not have the sense "to hear sound". It has the sense of "listen, pay attention, and obey".
Two different Hebrew words are both translated "one" in English: echad and yachid. Echad has a "group" sense, i.e., echad group, echad family, "We speak with echad voice." e.g., "And the man and the woman shall become one (echad) flesh." Yachid means "a single one", e.g., "I
have yachid nose and yachid mouth."
Baruch shem k'vod malchuto l'olam vayed.
Blessed is his glorious name whose [lit: his] kingdom is forever and ever. -- or -- Blessed is [his] name. The glory of his kingdom is forever and ever.
The kiddush is the blessing over the wine.
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheynu, Melech ha'olam, borey pri hagafen. The first part is common to most Jewish blessings. Again, there are numerous possible translations, mainly for Melech ha'olam.
Blessed are You, O L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.
Melech ha'olam can be translated as any combination of the following:
King / Ruler / Master / Sovereign of the universe / world /creation
Only one Jewish prophet created the fruit of the vine: Yeshua.
The motzi is the blessing over the bread.
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheynu, Melech ha'olam, haMotzi lechem min haaretz.
Blessed are You, O L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.
Birkhat haKohanim, Aaronic Benediction, Priestly Blessing
BaMidbar (Numbers) 6:24-25
May the L-rd bless you and keep you. May the L-rd make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the L-rd lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

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